Interior Regulation

Faculty of Education
- Courses began in 1989 in elementary education and in 1992 in general education.
- In 1997, an early childhood sector was opened by ministerial decree no. 800 in 22/08/1997.
The faculty strives to become a renowned faculty at the national level, subject to international standards of quality teaching and learning, pedagogical research and community development.
The Faculty's mission is to:
- Train qualified teachers and equip them with professional tools to help them achieve their objectives.
- Train researchers capable of building knowledge and taking advantage of it to solve everyday educational problems.
- To provide the necessary educational services in order to improve the quality of education.
The Faculty's Strategic Objectives
- Strengthen the capacity of national and international competition.
- To promote the specific, pedagogical and professional training of students, future teachers, so that they are prepared for the competition of the labor market.
- Improve graduate programs to meet international standards.
- Provide sustainable professional development training to Faculty faculty, assistants and staff.
- Establish rules for pedagogical research in order to train distinguished researchers in the various educational fields.
- Participate in the development of near-university and university education and the resolution of its problems.
- Strengthen the partnership with the national community and put in place pedagogical projects designed to serve the society.
- Strengthen scientific cooperation with similar national and international educational institutions.
- Improve faculty infrastructure.
Chains and departments
The Faculty has three main streams:
I- Elementary education.
It trains teachers of primary schools, specialists, from the third year, by:
Arabic - English language - history - mathematics - science.
II- General education sector.
It trains teachers of preparatory and secondary schools specializing in: Arabic language - English language - French language - history - geography - philosophy and sociology - mathematics - chemistry and physics - biology.
III- Early Childhood Education Channel (dedicated to female students).
The program trains early childhood teachers and kindergartens.
The faculty has new English-language programs for science and mathematics education.
The faculty issues the following diplomas:
1. Degree in Science and Pedagogy.
2. Bachelor's degree in literature and pedagogy.
3. License in kindergartens.
4. Diploma of general pedagogical studies.
5. Diploma of specific pedagogical studies.
6. Diploma of vocational studies in the following specialties:
Adult education, school administration, special education, psychological guidance, educational technology, psychometry and education, early childhood education, planning and economics education, school psychology, planning and curriculum development, clinical teaching.
7. Master in one of the three previous courses.
8. Doctorate in pedagogy in the following specialties:
- Methodology, teaching and teaching technology.
- Psychology and mental health.
- Foundations of education.