Vision, Mission and Objectives

Vision and Mission

-Vision and Mission of the College of Education, Beni Suef have been identified  in 2008 with the start of work on a project assurance and the establishment of Quality Assurance Unit, it has been published to see the college and a message by holding various seminars for college students, and writing text on paper labels,  leaflets have been distributed, and in billboards Commenting were in different places of the college consisted vision and mission of the college as follows:

. College Vision:
  Eyeing the College of Education at the University of Beni Suef to be the leader on the national level, achieving international quality standards in teaching and learning , Educational Research and Community Development .

. The Overall Message:
College of Education, Beni Suef University seeks to teacher preparation and development professionals to get them to achieve the required performance standards, and the preparation of researchers able to contribute to building knowledge and employ them in solving the educational problems of life and the provision of educational services in order to achieve the development of education and improving society .
Strategic Targets of College:
Competitiveness with colleges of education to build locally and internationally 0
Develop setup specialist, educational and vocational student teacher in line with the educational standards which make it able to compete in the labor market locally, regionally and internationally .
The reform and development of graduate programs to conform with international standards .
Professional development and sustainable for faculty members and their assistants, administrators and all employees of the college 0
Laying the foundations of educational research and prepare meaningful community distinct in all educational fields .
Professional development for teachers and educational leaders stages of pre-university education to get them to achieve their professional and educational standards .
Contribute to the development of education system in pre-university and university education and solving its problems .
Strengthen the partnership with the local community and the implementation of educational projects that serve the community and the environment .
Strengthening the scientific and educational links with counterpart institutions locally, regionally and globally .
Infrastructure development of the college in the light of the known standards, including the runways and includes plants and equipment 000 etc.